Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Roy's Dream

Roy , a little kook in nature , would often dream of a house in a semi dense jungle . It would be placed on a big giant wheel. Roy in his dream would go near the wheel and out of curiosity would turn it little and the door of the house would creak open. He would enter the house , dark as hell and the door would get shut. He would wake up in a maniacal way gasping for breath.

photo courtesy :  Piya Singh

Finally one day he recalled that long ago once he had locked up his classmate in the chemistry laboratory by turning the door knob and then with a key. He did that because he envied his classmate for excelling in chemistry.
The attempt was not lethal but certainly Roy had killed his confidence.

This post is linked to Friday Fictioneers and Three Word Wednesday


  1. Dear Abhishek,

    And interesting story, although for me the insertion of the three words were distracting as they seemed forced and didn't make sense in the context. Sad that envy makes people do some irrational things.



  2. Thanks for your review. Would keep that in mind in the future

  3. Replies
    1. Sure he was... but maybe the dreams are changing him

  4. I think that Roy might deserve his nightmares.

  5. Wish envy had led him to seek to excel and not lock himself up!

  6. He had actually locked himself up now..

  7. Interesting story, but could be tighter, I felt.
    I agree with Rochelle that the forced words are a meaningless distraction.
    And the tense confusion does not help.

    1. I would definitely take care of that in future...thnx fr ur visit..😊

  8. This is the foundation stone of a great story. OK, so the given words didn't fit too comfortably, but so what? It is a great yarn all the same.
    The Mayor. A very short story.

    1. Thank you for the inspiration and the lovely comments

  9. A Jungian analysis. Nice take on this prompt.

  10. I like the idea and it could be a great story if you tightened it up some more. Good luck.


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